Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

Have to say i've never been completely sold on the GT:X Prologue idea. I bought GT4 prologue and was thoroughly dissappointed. What makes GT games for me is the customisation options for your cars, and the sense of achievement when you take a fairly crappy car and turn it into a beast. While the racing is great regardless, it loses something if you can only drive the cars you're given.

I might buy this anyway, as i'm in need of a decent *proper* racing game (burnout doesnt real...

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it has, thus far, seemed almost impossible not to overestimate it though....

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read the posting rules. Dont start fanboy wars in this zone or you'll get banned. Fairly simple, dont you think?

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they should add dante from DMC. He'd just flip the cutsey little fools into the air with the devil bringer then pistol juggle the little dough-balls until they gave up. SWEEET.

6081d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

whats the obsession with talking baby kangaroos dude? Its a bit odd to say the least...

6081d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

thank gawd for that. Sick of being ripped off because we live in this country. Trouble is you'll probably get some nationalist crackpots trying to stop a review because they dont want the EU "meddling in our affairs", even if it will save them money.

Besides, even if the EU legislate on the isse, how long do you think Gordy brown will take to actually adopt the legislation in the UK? I reckon we might just get our PS5's priced the same as our U.S. friends, lets put it...

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hopefully shadow and tails will stay on hd-dvd and dissappear too...

6081d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

some of my friends have said similar things. I remember a recent conversation where one made the statement: "For f***s sake, you're 28 years old, how can you still be excited about gran turismo?"

My response was simple - what do you do with your evenings after work? Cook, eat, then watch tv. I cook, eat, then game. At least i'm keeping my brain alert, while everyone else i know is watching crappy reality tv.

I've got a very good job and my own flat. No-...

6081d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you know what would be even cooler? Someone who's really short on cash engineering a cheap rumble pack for a sixaxis using a couple of duracells and some cornflakes! :O)

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i bought my copy from there (on my ps3) and its just a completely bizzare situation. Its certainly the opposite of what i'd believe is the sensible way to go...

If the 360 has the bigger user base, it will (in theory) sell a larger number of copies, so surely a slightly higher price than the ps3 would just reap more profits. Conversely, if they want to improve the attach rate for the ps3, they'd drop the price.

Perhaps initially (nearer the ps3 launch) it could ...

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to be honest i'd level the same criticism at the original. It did look good (especially for a ps2 game), but it just didnt cut it gameplay-wise.

I have no basis to suggest the same will apply to the sequel, but i think any hopes for this game need to be tempered with a touch of realism - guerilla have made 2 games in the series so far, and liberation wasnt even an fps - we can only hope they learnt from their mistakes in the first title, and havent repeated them.

6082d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hopefully the fact there are two separate areas for the fanboys and the rest of us mean the bubble system wont be so crazily abused anyway!

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, I love having something tangible that "shows" the fact i own a movie. My dvd and cd collections are my pride and joy, and even though i do use bittorrent on occaision to *ahem* sample things, i will always buy them if i feel like the material enough. A part of that, for me, is the fear that the hard drive i happen to have the material on, may suddely fail - I consider myself to be fairly technically aware, so i can only imagine what fears the less aware individuals may h...

6082d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great comment - i've read a lot about the digital download restrictions, and the general feeling in the industry is that the restricted number of repeat watches for a movie is the "nirvana" for the big studios.

The only problem, as i see it, is that people have now become used to ownership being not too far removed (on a price basis) from rental. If you go to blockbuster, and rent a dvd for 3 nights, it will set you back £2.50 or so. The same movie can be bought...

6082d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Something that contributes to this, at least in my opinion, is the tiny little *draws* the 360 offers over the ps3 on multiplatform titles...

Take burnout paradise, for example. the game, is, for all intents and purposes, identical on both platforms. But, the 360 version, you've got achievements (which some people hate, and some people love) and, more importantly (especially given the shocking state of the in-game soundtrack) the custom soundtracks option. There are also the fe...

6082d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hope so!!! think i was one of the minority that thought the difficulty level in the original was puuuuuurrrrrrfect.

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is great! best thing is the strange loading lag fun when looking at long comments list is gone!

Great job guys!

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats what i'm saying though - if they move to a 1 sku approach, its great for clearing up confusion, but isnt the 80gb far more capable in terms of ports ? Is sony planning to just drop those altogether and just stick to the 2 usb/no multi card reader etc?

Nothing wrong if they do, its certainly one very reasonable way to keep costs down, but seems a bit wierd to build a system with a load of features and slowly take them out...

6082d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats what i'm saying though - if they move to a 1 sku approach, its great for clearing up confusion, but isnt the 80gb far more capable in terms of ports ? Is sony planning to just drop those altogether and just stick to the 2 usb/no multi card reader etc?

Nothing wrong if they do, its certainly one very reasonable way to keep costs down, but seems a bit wierd to build a system with a load of features and slowly take them out...

6082d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if sony are pulling it, it does seem like sony is getting a bit confused about how they're positioning the console. M$ does seem to have a target for each sku, where sony keeps chopping and changing. its somewhat ironic since the main standout point thats visible to the average consumer is the difference in HDD capacity, which is easily upgraded anyway! Unless they are reverting to a 1 sku model, which saves confusion but makes you wonder what they'll do with the 40gb sku as its not as capabl...

6082d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment